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Name: Destiny

Known As: Kavisir

Age: unknown

Sex: Male

Deity: God of Destiny (order), Poetry, and Knowledge (though the book)

Symbol: Book

Order of Gods: 2nd of 6

Name: Chaos

Known As: Loki

Age: unknown

Sex: Male

Deity: God of War, Tricks, and Chaos (disorder)

Symbol: Fox

Order of Gods: 1st of 6


Chaos is the husband of Death, he is deemed as the father of mankind and of the very order of things. Which is rather amusing seeing as his very being is to cause disorder and his only desire is to cause the end of the world as we know it.


He being the God of all Gods gives him a slight more power over them until they start to work together as they did to bind Chiru to Aneres. His favorite things is to destroy the very balance between the two sisters. He disclaims being Loki but without a fault he has many names and all the names are related to the Gods who seemly deal more with War, Tricks and Disorder.


He seems to love to play and fool around and make people understand the true meaning of being a God. There is only one God that could out do Chaos if they ever got the notion to do so. This is the God Destiny, and only because Chaos knows he can not rewrite what has already been written within the Book of Destiny.


Those that follow Chaos wear the symbol of a fox.



He seems rather childish in some ways, expecting to get what he wants when he wants it. If not throwing fits that tend to scare most of the other Gods. It is because of these 'fits' that the other Gods will in most cases do what he asks of them. Otherwise he's cold, heartless and ruthless only caring about himself.

The Gods

There are six Gods in Chiru's religious beliefs. All life began with One, One who torn themselves in half created Two. One also gave birth to Chaos and later Destiny to try and control Chaos. Two who desired children as well, would have the twins Animal and Death. Trinity/Three would be born to Death and Animal and married to Destiny, and together they would have the child Desire.(( I will have to double check the whole story but I believe this is the correct format))


Death, Desire, Chaos, Destiny, Three, Animal (though there are others these are the main Gods that play parts in Human affairs as well as Chiru's own. They have many names, many faces, and touch many places. 


It is unknown why Destiny did not take the place and order over all the Gods. What is clear is that he knows the future. He knows the first thing and the last thing. He holds it all within the Book that is chained to his hand. Even in human form he will be seen holding onto a book of some sort. It is because of this he knows the crossroads as well, and this is where he explains that things are unknown and the book is not the finished at this point. The crossroads is where someone or something happens, and hence sets things on a new path where he will have full knowledge up to the next crossroads. Mankind has had many of these crossroads, sometimes starting over and sometimes going on.


He is the only God that doesn't fear Chaos, it is believed this is because he's the God of Order and hence is different that Chaos who is the God of Disorder. Nothing is truly hidden from him. He says that no matter what the end of the world will come and it will play out the way that has been written. How and when mankind gets there however is another matter that has yet to be written.


Those that follow Destiny wear the symbol of a book with a chain.



Destiny, is in all truth a very quiet man. He doesn't speak and when he does it's always in whispers. He's very talented in the arts but his main skill is making poetry. He claims this is because the Book of Destiny is all within Poems and hence it takes a Poet to understand what is written or else it becomes lost.

Name: Desire

Known As: n/a

Age: unknown

Sex: Female

Deity: God of Desire, Love, and Change (this includes insanity)

Symbol: Rainbows

Order of Gods: 4th of 6

Name: Death

Known As: Hel

Age: unknown

Sex: Female

Deity: God of Death, Life, and Reincarnation

Symbol: Ankh

Order of Gods: 3rd of 6

Name: Animal

Known As: Odin

Age: unknown

Sex: Male

Deity: God of Animals, Plants and Science (He knows about everything but is not seen as the God of Knowledge even though he holds the most knowledge about everything)

Symbol: Tree

Order of Gods: 6th of 6

Name: Three/Trinity

Known As: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos

Age: unknown

Sex: Females

Deity: God of Trinity, The Arts (muses), Magic, and Fate Symbol: Number 3

Order of Gods: 5th of 6


Death is the wife of Chaos, she is deemed to be the mother of the undead. Though she doesn't claim that herself. It is said that the first vampire was in truth the offspring that Death herself created from her unborn child to Chaos. The child was deem immortal but it was also uncontrollable. Turning thousands into vampires before disappearing. This is nothing more than a story that has been told over and over.


Death however takes care of Chiru having a close bond to the girl who was given to her at a young age. Chiru was raised to follow the traditions of Death when she was a child and until her Grandfather begged the God of Chaos to take her and bring for revenge she had been nothing more then her most faithful follower. Death and Animal were said to be the true ones to bring forth the first Hell Hounds and change them into Wolves in this world. Binding them with Chiru's mind. Though rather or not this is true is still unknown.


Death also has a second part of her being. A male counter part known as the Grim Reaper. It is believed that near the start of time. Death unable to throw away her emotions as a female, asked for another. The Grim Reaper was hence given a second task. Who had before hand been one of the Four Horsemen.


Those who follow Death wear an Ankn. 



Death is in truth a very caring God to humans. She is also seen as the Mother of Life and Death as well as Reincarnation. This was given to her by the human race. As she is very kind and given when coming to take the life of another. In most times she grows for the time being attached to those she's coming to take as well as wanting to do everything she can for them to make it easy.


The only one she has little to no care for are immortals, or those who in the end will cause the complete end of everything. It is hence strange that she would care for Chiru who is the one written about that will start it all. However she has never given a reason for it.



Desire seems to live in a world of her own. It is said that only children and those who are 'touched' by insanity can grasp the understanding of her world and even see and hear things that others no longer can. Those who were 'touched' were deem to have a wisdom that was unquie and special.


It is believed that Desire is the one that keeps faith, hope and love alive even among the gods. Seen as a God who has long as you do not allow darkness to take your light, you will always be able to find happiness in the end, it is only those that have lost their inner light that are unable to truly be happy in life.


Desire is the one who cursed the Seimei bloodline, Chiru's grandfather on her mother's side. The bloodline was said to become a Kitsune (fox demon) but in truth it held no such thing. The fact was that she was setting motions for change. Seimei without fault became one the most skilled in Onmyoji in his time and still is to this day.


It was Desire who took forth Seimei at a young age, having failed several times in making the boy fall in love. Though Seimei did take a wife later on who died at a young age, it would be her, who would send forth Chiru's father to get her mother and it would be her. Those who follow Desire are seen carrying Rainbows.


Those that follow Desire wear the symbol of a rainbow.



Desire is very colorful. She's outgoing, loud, and rather rude. She expects things to go her way and when they do not go her way she will throw a fit, cursing the creature and calling her 'older brother' to call forth help to destroy what it is she wants gone. In all respect she is very childish in her nature.


Unlike the other Gods, The God Trinity is in truth Three women, who are known as the Spinner of man kinds fate upon their birth. They are the writers or so it's said of the Book of Destiny. Many write them as Muses more than anything else.


They do not know all but they are the ones who write when one is should die, (and hence give the orders to Death/Grim Reaper) as well as when one shall be born. They can see into the Book of Destiny but what they see is not always clear. They are the wives of Destiny as by Fate they were brought to work with him and no one else.


Though they fear Chaos, as Chaos is the one who holds their life in his hands. They are more loyal to their husband than anything else and even Chaos can not truly control them as he requires them to help him in his plans to destroy the world by making sure that The Book of Destiny is set in stone by Fate. It is these three that seen and wrote the end of time and it is them who have set forth the pieces that shall cause it.


Those that Worship Three are seen carrying the number 3.



Trinity is very different indeed. It's unsure if they choose to have three different forms for their three very different minds or if they really are three women who are tied by the bonds of Fate itself to work together. In either case, One is Cold and Lacks care for anyone or anything, another is Warm and cares about everything and the other is the one who balanced between them. If is believed that they must work together in order to one day become one, sadly their different personalities cause problems when they're trying to help either mankind or the Gods themselves.


The God Animal as he known is known more due to his communication with all living things. It is because of this communication he is able to understand man's science and perhaps can even outdo them in their own skills.


It is also believed that with his Twin sister Death he is responsible for the shapes of all things on Earth and in the Sky. Having shaped them from clay so that his sister could breath life into them.


It is believe that Animal is the one who blessed the Abbadon with the information and knowledge that they required thousands of years ago and it is him who set in motion their fall. To better understand the creature known as Man.


He is said to had been the one to plant the Tree of Life and Knowledge but there is no hard facts on this. It is also believed that he is the most powerful of the Gods but choose to be seen as the weakest.


Those that worship Animal are seen with the sign of Tree.



Animal comes off very kind and very shy. However it's all an act he is neither kind nor mean nor is he shy. He keeps to himself because he wishes to keep all form of communication from happening between him and others to better understand the nature of things. He comes off as kind because he seems to care a great deal it is because he understands that he can help in many things but in all truth it's believed that he helps to keep things moving to see what will happen once it's been done.

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