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Why was the Abbadon Race Created?


The Gods (the real ones) always liked to play great tricks upon mankind, and the Abbadon were the perfect test for Animal (look at Chiru’s Gods). Animal created them to see how they would learn and react; seeing how they were growing he created a race that would be able to compete with them, The Atlantians. However much to his distaste they were a failed test subject and in one single night he destroyed them.


Chaos however wanted to make the Abbadon even more and so shortly before their final form he placed a special “gift” upon them. He would make them the very start of the fall of all mankind.


Death and the Grim Reaper however would learn of this sometime later and upon Chiru’s turning into a vampire, which in truth was meant to set the end of time itself bond her to Aneres. As long as they two were alive, they would be connected like Ying and Yang, though there would be a short period where Chiru herself would become unstable it normally was not long enough to cause any true harm to the world. To put it simply, Chiru is more or less like Pandora’s Box, upon her opening the Box, those who were indeed created to destroy the world, will appear and the world shall fall into darkness, dying. Upon the death of the world the Gods themselves would follow and only Death would remain to create the next world.


Please note that this is the mythology of Chiru's people and like all mythologies and should be treated like any other mythos that has ever been, is or will be.

As told to Chiru by Chaos:


“You are the Abbadon, a part of the most powerful race of mere humans ever known. Praised as Gods and Demi-Gods, so vast was your knowledge your people could had saved the world all together, yet instead you hide among the shadows, being nothing but mere whispers in the night, fighting at the commands of others to help mankind at any cost.


Oh you were a very special race indeed, the Abbadon, the name that you alone carry among this world now, you who are the Angel of the Abyss, you who are the Chief of the Demons of the Seventh Hierarchy, you are the Devil himself, the Angel of Death and Destruction , oh the Demon of the Abyss, Chief of Demon and the Underworld, you are the Destroying Angel of the Apocalypse, the Ruler of Hell, the one who will release the seals of the true Apocalypse, oh you who have so many names.0


Greatness is at your hands and yet it’s locked sealed away in your mind, so much power so much knowledge that it would destroy your mere brain simply because you are a half-breed. No, my dear child, you hold a future unlike anyone else, you are never Good, never Evil, and one cannot even say you are Neutral in your ways.


You sit on the sidelines, watching, and waiting while the Angels and Demons alike beg you to side with them and you sometimes join them only to turn away after that battle. Ah, the truth of the matter is, what makes you half-breed is what makes you even more special then you could ever know, for if you were pure Abbadon, this world would not have lasted as long as it did. Such a pity really.”

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