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History of Blood

Vampire Bloodline: Vermathrax_rex

Old Vampire Bloodline: setitevampyr (Oneirus)

Old+1 Vampire Bloodline: setitevampyr (Oneirus), Andre, and the master vampire ophelia (NiFlhEiM)

Old+2 Vampire Bloodline: setitevampyr (Partner-bound with Oneirus) , Andre (Annabelle) Sartori (Partner-bound with Elvenbane) and the master vampire On-da-g

Old+3 Vampire Bloodline: setitevampyr (Partner-bound with Oneirus) , Sartori (Partner-bound with Elvenbane) and the master vampire On-da-g

Old+4 Vampire Bloodline: WhiteLighter (Blood-Father)

Old+5 Vampire Bloodline: Skye Wolf, Lesion, Lady bondage, ophelia, MavericksChild, Heimdag

Old+6 Vampire Bloodline: Skye Wolf (Partner-bound with Madeye), Anjana, Kevan

Oldest Vampire Bloodline: Childe of RavenBlack


Human Bloodline: She comes from a long line of Onmyoji's Users (Grandfather was Abe no Seimei who was best friends with Aneres's many great grandfather Minamoto no Hiromasa; Mother was Seimei's daughter, she never knew her grandfather, since her mother left with her father (ran-away as far as she knows), her father died the moment of her birth, and was raised by her father's father and mother, and her own mother.)


Blood Oath Parents: Setite and WhiteLighter

Ex Husband: Nightwalker 

Ex In-Laws: Pandrora and CBK (family still)


Siblings: To Many to Count

Blood Oath Siblings (4): ElishaDraken, Aneres, nolovejustlust *sleeps* and Deaths Shadow

Blood Oath Family: driretlanish (grandson)


Childer (14): Anjana (dead and buried), Hirum Bascondu, zslasher, Dark Q Damon, ChibiKeika (Nobuyuki), intoxication (Delirium), Wil Pet, ArisDragonhart, Corvin Dark, Nikohl, Milakaz, gittelbug, Prince, Synangel


Cut Childe (25): Hexy, youngPain, Nitch, melkya, Dani Filth, Lordtrollsvamp, yuna2, -Konamie-, shinimegami, Deaths Shadow, Faye Valentine, AtroposKillara, RowenBlackWolf, Legadored, Mora, Sera, Lady Ice, Maiira, YingYang, Sapphire, Seppuku, ElishaDraken, Mystical V, ShatteredAngel, Shindeimasu 

Dead Childer (10): Sumono hai, Autumn_Rayne, Fenrir_Wolf, Bloodworthy, cassandra, Jager, kiki-chan, Mono, Ayesac, queerdelOther


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